We are a triad of active people located in the beautiful Redmond, Washington. We enjoy running, cycling, triathlons, hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, and camping.

Unpreparathon is coined from our own experiences—there are races where the unexpected happens and races you simply don’t train for. For other races you train your hardest and want to celebrate your great accomplishments! 

We created these products to honor the drive, dedication, preparation (or lack thereof) and touch of craziness of the active community and those that are part of it. We created these products for you, your training partners, friends, and fellow competitors that make events great.

Inspire your journey, 
up the tough hills and down the easy ones, 
on the road or on trails…
there is always another course to be conquered.



Kendra Bohm

& Operations

Say hello to Kendra!

Erika Gaebel

Graphic Design
& Webmaster

Kathryn O'Neill

& Marketing